Broadcast India 201021 October, 2010

Broadcast India 2010

The Broadcast India Show is the most prestigious and expansive global mart for the rapidly evolving broadcast and entertainment industry. Broadcast India 2010 will not only showcase the latest and best techno-innovations in the industry but will also host a platform for all there is to do with broadcast, film, audio, radio, IPTV, Mobile TV and their related fields.

Violet Design microphones will be represented in Broadcast India 2010 by it’s newly distributor in India - Modi Digital. Together with their other carried brands also Violet microphones will be displayed in their booth and everyone is welcome to visit it and listen to Violet microphones.

Join Violet Design at Broadcast India Show 2010, October 21-23, on Modi Digital’s booth G704.

Aaron Harris - Recording Engineer, Mixer. Drummer of Palms and ISIS.